Sıcak Satış Yapı İskele Tipi İskele Zulin İnşaat Slab Beton Zemin Dökümü

Ürün Ayrıntıları
Özelleştirme: Mevcut
Satış Sonrası Hizmet: çevrimiçi teknik destek
Malzeme: Çelik
Üretici/Fabrika ve Ticaret Şirketi

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Elmas Üye Fiyat 2021

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Çalışan Sayısı
Kuruluş Yılı
  • Sıcak Satış Yapı İskele Tipi İskele Zulin İnşaat Slab Beton Zemin Dökümü
  • Sıcak Satış Yapı İskele Tipi İskele Zulin İnşaat Slab Beton Zemin Dökümü
  • Sıcak Satış Yapı İskele Tipi İskele Zulin İnşaat Slab Beton Zemin Dökümü
  • Sıcak Satış Yapı İskele Tipi İskele Zulin İnşaat Slab Beton Zemin Dökümü
  • Sıcak Satış Yapı İskele Tipi İskele Zulin İnşaat Slab Beton Zemin Dökümü
  • Sıcak Satış Yapı İskele Tipi İskele Zulin İnşaat Slab Beton Zemin Dökümü
Benzer Ürünleri Bul

Temel bilgiler.

Yapısal Stil
Çok Kutuplu İskele
Çerçeve Kombine İskele
Destek Modu
Zemin Tipi İskele
Bindirme Formu
Çapraz halkalı yapı iskelesi
Dış yapı iskelesi
Taşıma Yöntemi
Bağlı Kaldırma iskelesi
İskele Parça Tipi
İskele çerçeveleri
Yardımcı Özellikler
Yapı iskelesi
yardımcı ekipman
vites değiştirme arabası
bina inşaatı
özelleştirilmiş boyut
Taşıma Paketi
bobin kutusu, çelik palet, çelik çerçeve, konteyner
Teknik Özelikler
q235, q355
Ticari Marka
Üretim Kapasitesi
10000 metre kare/ay

Ürün Açıklaması

Product Description                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Hot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor Pouring

ZULIN modular scaffolding table formwork unit

Hot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor Pouring



Ring-lock Scaffolding Table Formwork, consisting of Ring-lock Scaffolding and Timber Beam Slab Formwork, is a kind of modular formwork system. It is convenient to be moved integrally during construction, therefore much work-force and time can be saved. Besides, with excellent performance in rigidity and bearing capacity, it is very suitable to pour the slabs of which floor height is tall, such as shopping mall, warehouse, workshop, railway station, airport etc.




To assemble the Ring-lock Scaffolding, then place the Timber Beam Formwork on the top of it.

Hot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor Pouring


To lift the Ring-lock Scaffolding Table Formwork integrally.
Hot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor Pouring

Trolley for ring-lock scaffolding table formwork

This kind of shifting trolley is designed for the ring-lock scaffolding system, and the assembled scaffolding system can be moved integrally.

Hot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor Pouring
Complete Projects                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Hot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor PouringHot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor Pouring
Business Process                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Hot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor PouringHot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor Pouring
Company Profile                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor Pouring

eijing Zulin Formwork & Scaffolding Co.,Ltd is a leading company which develops, designs, manufactures, sells, and leases Formworks and Scaffoldings for construction projects in the field of civil and industrial engineering, roads and bridges, hydroelectric dams, nuclear power stations etc.


We are one of the pioneer companies which developed formwork and scaffolding in China. We have a team of dedicated and professional technical specialists which continuously improves our products offerings. The company have 2 excellent wooden beam production lines and 6 steel structure workshops.


With years of experiences in conducting our own research and development, we have gained recognition both in China and abroad based on our excellent techniques in this industry. We have won many intellectual properties, e.g. hydraulic auto-climbing formwork, Auto-climbing Protection Panel and many other types of formwork techniques.


We are constantly innovating in order to provide high quality products to our clients. As a result, we have received numerous compliments from our clients.


Beijing Zulin Formwork & Scaffolding Co.,Ltd is committed to our mission of striving for excellence and providing high quality products.We are dedicated to provide forward-moving technology, excellent products and services to both our existing and new clients.                               
Hot Sale Building Scaffold Type Scaffolding Zulin Construction Slab Concrete Floor Pouring

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