Çin Fabrika Fiyatı 0-35kv 1250j Yeraltı Kablo Arıza Bulucu Test Ekipman Seti

Ürün Ayrıntıları
Özelleştirme: Mevcut
Satış Sonrası Hizmet: 1 yıl
Garanti: garanti belgesi
Üretici/Fabrika ve Ticaret Şirketi

360° Sanal Tur

Elmas Üye Fiyat 2021

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  • Çin Fabrika Fiyatı 0-35kv 1250j Yeraltı Kablo Arıza Bulucu Test Ekipman Seti
  • Çin Fabrika Fiyatı 0-35kv 1250j Yeraltı Kablo Arıza Bulucu Test Ekipman Seti
  • Çin Fabrika Fiyatı 0-35kv 1250j Yeraltı Kablo Arıza Bulucu Test Ekipman Seti
  • Çin Fabrika Fiyatı 0-35kv 1250j Yeraltı Kablo Arıza Bulucu Test Ekipman Seti
  • Çin Fabrika Fiyatı 0-35kv 1250j Yeraltı Kablo Arıza Bulucu Test Ekipman Seti
  • Çin Fabrika Fiyatı 0-35kv 1250j Yeraltı Kablo Arıza Bulucu Test Ekipman Seti
Benzer Ürünleri Bul

Temel bilgiler.

Hayır. Modeli.
Ses Kablosu Test Cihazı, Dijital Kablo Test Cihazı
CE, iso
Taşıma Paketi
ahşap çanta
Teknik Özelikler
Ticari Marka
xzh testi
China Xi′an
HS Kodu
Üretim Kapasitesi
2000 parça/yıl

Ürün Açıklaması


I. System purpose :
The portable cable fault location system Suitable for system testing of medium and low voltage fault cables below 35kv.1250J compact power can breakdown fault cables in 7seconds.measuring  rough distance of underground fault cable , locating precisely  fault point, and detecting underground  cable path and depth.easing using and operating.
 China Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment Set
II. System Configuration
Product name  Model No. Qty.(unit)
cable fault pre locator XHGG501D 1
cable fault pinpointer XHDD503 1
cable route tracer XHGX507 1
high voltage pulse generator XHHV535-2L 1

It has features operator safety assurance systems and provides a reliable and comprehensive technical
solution for low- and medium-voltage cables faults.
1). High voltage pulse equipment,XHHV535-2L -- impulse discharge of faulty cables. Our products include trolley type, automatic discharge type and pull rod type, which depend on the voltage level and cable length of the tested cable.
2). Cable fault prelocator ,XHGG501D-- rough measurement of fault distance through pulse signal acquisition waveform and calculation. based on the low-voltage impulse reflection method(TDR), multiple impulse(ARC)arc reflection method.
3). Cable Fault pinpointing locator,XHDD503 --for accurate positioning of cable fault points
4). Cable route tracer,XHGX507--mainly used for the positioning, identification, path and buried depth of cable fault points when it is live or dead. It can also test low resistance faults to ground (which depends on various connection methods of accessories inside).

China Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment SetChina Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment SetChina Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment SetChina Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment Set
XZH Portable cable fault location system is designed for:

★Cable fault pre-location: with the reflectometer XHGG501D based on the low-voltage impulse reflection method(TDR), and high-voltage decay(flashover) method (DECAY).
★cable path tracing, buried depth detection: XHGX507 cable pipe locator is an all-digital locator with clear display and reliable positioning. Graphical operation instructions and sound indication, making it the easiest-to-use pipe locator available today. Powered by rechargeable battery, it can also display cable depth and current.
★Cable fault pinpoint location: XHDD503 uses acoustic-magnetic synchronization method, equipped with 2048 J surge generator and intelligent digital signal receiver.

China Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment Set

China Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment Set
China Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment SetChina Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment Set
China Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment SetChina Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment SetChina Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment SetChina Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment SetChina Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment SetChina Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment SetChina Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment Set

China Factory Price 0-35kv 1250j Underground Cable Fault Locator Testing Equipment Set

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